Door Creek Church - Day 4
***Special guest blogger Luisa and photographer Kristin Karls from the Door Creek Church Service Team***
Work day two was the best work day at the home yet. The day started out with the usual breakfast and quiet devotion time at the team apartment. Afterward, we all donned pre-soiled work clothes and headed to the children’s home. Soon after arrival, we started mixing and pouring cement for the base of the new workshop.

We worked hard, taking lunch breaks in shifts, as we sweat and exercised our arm muscles while heaving large wheelbarrows full of wet cement. After we finished laying 1/3 of the cement needed to complete the foundation of the shop, Alec and Caleb attached doors to two small fixtures located on the roof of one of the houses. (See pics below.. Imagine getting those 2 storage houses from the ground to the roof... TEAMWORK!)

Later in the day, the team was able to socialize with the kids. We enjoyed several fun and intense games of soccer, a bit of volleyball, and long conversations. After dinner, Kaitlin lead devotions on Psalms 139. Directly following devotions, we went out for ice cream with Jon and Mike. We are really excited to see what God has planned for us tomorrow. . .

Great job team! Keep up the serving attitude. Was the shed heavy? Good thing you were all there to help. Keep prayed up!!
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