Door Creek Church - Day 7
***Special guest blogger and photographer Kristin Karls from the Door Creek Church Service Team***
Wrapping up the work week has been a time of bittersweet feelings, as we've said goodbye to the children and families at the children's home. We've realized more and more throughout the week how valuable relationships are. It's been great to do what we can to help through physical labor, but how we'll cherish the times with the kids - whether playing soccer or blowing bubbles with them, exchanging language lessons, going on a walking tour of their village, or just hanging out... we've been nothing short of blessed to have this experience here in Peru.
God is teaching the team many different things. We've shared with each other how we realize how much we take things for granted, living in the states. Often times we think of ourselves, and what we have to accomplish, etc. - our thoughts revolve around ourselves. However, the missionary life (moreover, the Christian life) is to be lived with humility, putting others before ourselves. As Ella shared in devotions, we are to be lights in the world of darkness. And as Luisa shared for her turn of leading devotions, God helps us be these lights in darkness - He promises to never leave us or forsake us.
So we are blown away by the joy of the people here, despite the "little they have." But what defines how little or how much people have? Is it monetary things or possessions? Their generosity is astounding. We were able to witness their decision to tithe money they raised through a garage sale to the church. As the children all exclaimed their joy, "Iglesia! Iglesia!" (They wanted their money to go the church as a tithe), we were convicted of our own willingness to give. We thank God for His faithfulness to us. He is always waiting patiently as we continue to learn through such things as this.
Thank you everyone for everyone's prayers, love and support!

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