Holy Trinity Church - Day 2
***Special guest blogger Emily from the Holy Trinity Church Service Team***
getN’ 2 werk.
Huveos for breakfast and microwaved bacon, toast and jam. We had us a buff-ette.
Then we loaded up the clown van, got some air in our tires, picked up Chica, dropped her off, picked up Eduardo, and took him with us to The Juinper Tree. He is the Master Carpenter.

Got right to work. Whitney’s words were, “I can do a drill.”
Tyler and Duncan played Picasso and panted a new clothes shed, which is on the roof. Arthur and Lane failed miserably, but the comeback story of the year- is their successful screen installation. The rest, helped to construct “walls” for what will be a workshop for the younger boys at The Juniper Tree- to learn life skills. That was tough work. You will see the photos, from the start of the day to the end of the day and the fiber cement (Super Boards) that we put up with lots of screws and bad drill bits. 3 of 4 walls are completed as of late afternoon. Lunch break was interesting. We forgot the cheese for the sandwiches, so ham, bread and condiments were the tasty treat. The loud noise during lunch was our workshop structure collapsing. Or taking a little siesta. (Not our fault) We did quickly fix it, though.

Dinner = Delish. Tradition Peruvian Pepper Chicken (Ají de Gallina).
Tonight we’ll be on our rooftop, hanging out as a group and laughing ridiculously.
Team Dy-nasty
Y'all are doing a great job! The building looks great so far. Dad, how many goals did YOU score in the soccer game? ;)
I love you dad and I can't wait to see you Sunday.
Ashley Barefoot
Hunter where were you??? I am sure you were building a building by yourself!!!! ilu MOM or a hut-mel
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