Holy Trinity Church - Day 3
***Special guest blogger Emily from the Holy Trinity Church Service Team***
Back to the work site. Today we almost completed the exterior walls for the workshop, and started to install the interior walls. Tyler and Lane went to the Peruvian Home Depot for lots of supplies, so that tomorrow we can make our final push on the workshop.

For an afternoon snack, we walked into the town of Pachacamac for an ice cream snack. More soccer was played- chicas vs. chicos. Duncan scored 2 goals.
Dinner was served at the team apartment with two of the missionary families. After dinner, we drove into town (more or less) to enjoy a TASTY TREAT - ice cream and peach frozen drinks at San Antonio's. This was a lot of fun and a good time to get to know the missionaries better.

Calling it a night...tomorrow morning will be here quickly.
Thank you for the prayers-please continue to pray for the country of Peru and all that serve it, day in and day out.
team 'hoop der it iz.
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